International Zero Waste Day: Commitment to a Sustainable Future

Published: Saturday, 30 March, 2024

At Duinsa, we join the global call for a more sustainable world, celebrating International Zero Waste Day. This day commemorates the need to transform our relationship with waste and promote responsible consumption and production practices.

The Reality of Waste

Every year, we generate enormous amounts of waste, contributing to crises such as climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution. At Duinsa, we recognize the urgency of addressing these issues and commit to being part of the solution.

Zero Waste Strategy: A Comprehensive Commitment

Implementing a zero waste strategy involves responsibility in the production, consumption, and disposal of products. From project design to waste management, we work to close the loop, reusing resources and minimizing environmental pollution.

We celebrate this International Zero Waste Day by working towards the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development!

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