Renovations to Improve Your Certifications

Published: Tuesday, 20 February, 2024

In the world of sustainable construction, we are convinced that large changes are not always necessary; sometimes, small renovations can make a big difference. Below, we present practical and achievable proposals that not only enhance energy efficiency but also contribute to obtaining and maintaining certifications in already constructed buildings.


Efficient Lighting and Presence Sensors

Optimizing lighting is key to improving energy efficiency. Switching to LED bulbs reduces electrical consumption, and the installation of presence sensors ensures that lights are only on when necessary, maximizing energy savings effectively.


Thermal Insulation in Roofs and Walls

The incorporation of insulating materials in roofs and walls not only improves energy efficiency but also enhances indoor comfort. Additionally, practical options allow for improving insulation in floors and ceilings without invasive renovations.


Double Glazed Windows

Investing in double-glazed windows is cost-effective, enhancing both acoustic and thermal insulation. This reduces the need for heating or cooling, positively impacting the building’s energy efficiency.


Rainwater Harvesting

Implementing a rainwater harvesting system is a smart way to utilize a natural resource. From irrigation to domestic uses, reducing the consumption of potable water is essential for the overall sustainability of the building.


Vegetation on Terraces and Facades

Integrating green areas not only improves aesthetics but also offers environmental benefits. Plants act as natural insulators, helping regulate indoor temperature and enhancing air quality.


Small Solar Panels

The installation of solar panels doesn’t have to be monumental. Small, flexible panels can be integrated without drastically altering the existing structure, generating renewable energy for personal use or contributing to the local power grid.


Waste Management Systems

An efficient waste management system is crucial for sustainability. Establishing containers for recycling, composting, and conventional waste not only facilitates proper separation but also promotes a culture of environmental responsibility among residents.


Eco-Friendly Paints

When it’s time to renovate, opting for eco-friendly paints can have a positive impact. These paints contain fewer toxic components, improving indoor air quality and reducing the environmental footprint.

These proposals demonstrate that enhancing sustainability in already constructed buildings doesn’t always require significant investments. Small renovations, strategically implemented, can significantly contribute to obtaining and maintaining sustainable construction certifications. Remember, every small change counts on the path to a greener and more conscious future.

At Duinsa, we understand that commitment to sustainability is an opportunity to create more efficient and environmentally friendly spaces. Contact us at +34 93 846 68 19.

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