Construction and demolition waste

Published: Wednesday, 5 August, 2020

The generation of construction and demolition waste (RCD) is a problem of environmental pollution, representing more or less a third of the total waste produced in the European Union.

Concrete recycling processes have been established to generate a more sustainable construction industry.

Using recycled concrete is a safe way to reduce garbage dumps, and affordable mechanical grinding technology is available to achieve this, then sieved through No. 4 to separate small and large particles.

 It has density and compaction properties that make it very useful for different applications.

With recycling, it is possible to replace the raw material, reduce the environmental impact, decrease the exploitation of natural resources and lower transport costs, as it is treated on the same construction or demolition site.

The material recovered from demolition sites have elements that must be separated before creating new concrete:

  • Mortar and concrete-derived products.
  • Natural stone.
  • Non-floating aerated concrete.
  • Bituminous material.
  • Glass or crystal.
  • Metals, non-floating wood, plastic and rubber, among others.

 At Duinsa we have clear that, in order to be part of the sustainable economy, the relationship between what is built and waste must be reduced and closer to the circular economy, using materials with responsibility, paying special attention to building maintenance and recycling when its cycle is over.

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