Published: Tuesday, 19 March, 2019

According to the Report of the Industrial-Logistic Market of the 2nd semester of 2018 prepared by the real estate consultancy Forcadell, the demand for industrial buildings for sale has increased up to 10% over the previous year.
This is the fifth consecutive semester in which this indicator has increased. This positive evolution reflects the confidence in the real estate sector and the good economic situation of the Catalan industrial sector. In fact, Catalonia concentrates a quarter of the industrial activity of the whole country, representing 22.8% of the total turnover and 22.2% of the personnel employed in this sector, according to data published by the National Institute of Statistics.

The prices of industrial buildings have registered very moderate year-on-year variations in the second half of the year, around 4.36% for rent and 1.28% for sale.

In spite of everything, the industrial sector in Catalonia continues registering an insufficient availability of ships to respond to a demand animated by the improvement of the global economy.
This imbalance is more evident in the districts of Barcelonès and Baix Llobregat, which is causing interest to shift towards the third crown.
However, the situation presents prospects for change due to the ongoing projects under construction.

The plaintiff of industrial buildings for rent is increasingly demanding in aspects such as the state and characteristics of the property and the contractual conditions.
This is causing a slowdown in the processes of negotiating operations and making decisions. To this delay is added a certain attitude of prudence that is being observed in the owners before a forecast of phase change in the economic cycle.

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