The Vallès Oriental Economic Activity Polygon Observatory is created

Published: Friday, 13 December, 2019

The Regional Council of Vallès Oriental and the Taula Vallès Oriental Avança (TVOA) have presented the Observatory of Economic Activity Polygons of Vallès Oriental (OPAE)

This entity will allow to have an exhaustive and updated photograph of the industrial sector of the region. Its objectives are to collect, organize, generate and disseminate information and analysis of interest on the industrial sector of Vallès Oriental.

The products to be offered are: flashes with quarterly reports on economic activity, labor market, occupancy rate and real estate offer, semiannual monographic reports in depth – the first will be the comparative study of tax ordinances and the study of mobility and accessibility to ECPs -, and municipal reports at the request of the municipalities.

In March, a new web portal of the Eastern Vallès SAPs will be activated, which will gather all the necessary and necessary information about the industrial sector of the region.

The Vallès Oriental is one of the territories with the largest supply of industrial land in the country (34 of the 39 municipalities in the region have PAE), a hundred PAE representing more than 3,000 hectares of land.

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