Measures to revive the economy from construction

Published: Thursday, 14 May, 2020

To be able to revive the economy, it is necessary to give a priority and urgent support at the construction activity and to the related industries, as concrete. For that reason the “Asociación Nacional de Fabricantes de Hormigón Preparado” (ANEFHOP) has presented a program of measures to the Spanish Government, with the aim of stimulating both public and private work.

The construction industry is key to the restoration of the economy, considering that it produces 5,2% of GDP and has a capacity to occupy 1,3 million of job positions.

It is essential to promote the necessary conditions for the construction sector acts as the engine of the economy, as it has done on other occasions. And even more when tourism, which is the main GDP generator, has collapsed.

To relaunch the activity, the  employers of the Association propose a program of measures, based on these 8 proposals :

  1.   Guarantee of access and supply of equipment and systems for health protection and the prevention of occupational risks.
  2.   Security in the management capacity and access to financing by the companies that supply construction materials, as well as in the management and proper functioning of credit insurance.
  3.   Effective expansión and application or access to the Official Credit Institute (ICO) guarantee lines for the Supply Industry.
  4.   Postponement of tax payment in 12 months.
  5.   Restart of public works without budget cuts or deadlines.
  6.   Relaunch of the construction sector with greater investment (Economic Reconstruction Plan) due to its multiplier effect on the economy.
  7.   Promote public-private financing as the engine of the economy.
  8.   Promote a National Green Construction Plan.

We hope that the implementation of an effective program will be speeded up, in order to face the economic recovery from the construction sector.

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